
Monday, March 31, 2008

1 - What is The Law of Charts™?

The Law of Charts was discovered by Master Trader Joe Ross. As he likes to say, "It was there all along. It just happened to fall on my head much as the law of gravity was discovered when an apple fell on Isaac Newton’s head."The Law of Charts defines four basic formations known as 1-2-3 lows and highs, Ross hooks, trading ranges, and ledges. These occur in all time frames because the depict human action and reaction vis-à-vis price movement.What makes these formations unique is that they can be specifically defined. The ability to formulate a more precise definition sets these formations apart from such vague generalities as "head and shoulders," "coils," "flags," "pennants," "megaphones," and other such supposed price patterns that are frequently attached as labels to the action of prices.A 1-2-3 high or low comes at the end of a trend or swing. It forms as the result of a change in the direction of prices. The 1-2-3 low forms as the result of buying pressure overcoming that of selling pressure. The 1-2-3 high forms as the result of selling pressure overcoming buying pressure.A Ross hook™ always forms as the result of profit taking in an trend or swing.A ledge forms as a result of profit taking, uncertainty about future price direction, or both. You might consider it as a pause in the overall movement of prices in a single direction.A ledge is the smallest of a number of consolidation formations: it never consists of more than 10 or less than 4 price bars. It is denoted by containing two matching or nearly matching highs and two matching or nearly matching lows.A consolidation consisting of eleven to 20 price bars is called a congestion, and a consolidation consisting of 21 or more price bars.As simple as these definitions are, the have been found to constitute a "law." Any data that contains both a high and a low, will form these patterns; even data that has nothing to do with markets and trading.Learn more about The Law of Charts, it is a free resource on our website. Study it as much as you want. And while you are visiting take a look at the Traders Trick™ entry.

2 - Markets, Strategies & Time Frames

The first step in developing a trading strategy is to select the market action andcorresponding strategy type that you want to trade. As I’ve discussed, selecting astrategy type is a very important part of strategy trading and you should take your time in evaluating the alternatives. Many factors will influence your decision, but your own personality will ultimately direct you to the strategy that is right for you. In making the choice, the most important thing to remember is that it is yours to make alone. Read everything I have to share with you about different types of strategies, but then decide for yourself. Only you really know what type of person you are and therefore what type of trading is best for you.This chapter will help you to understand some of the conditions that can occur inthe market, and the strategy type that complements those conditions. Once youare familiar with the basic strategy types, you will be able to select the one youwant to use.Three Market TypesGenerally, there are three types of markets. The three market types, or phases, arederived from three distinct chart patterns that appear when there is a shift inmarket action. The phases are trending, volatile, and directionless, and each can be characterized by specific price activity. Take a look at the following charts andfamiliarize yourself with each different market pattern.

3 - Choose Your Online Forex Broker

Online Forex brokers are known to be a required evil if you are going to trade in currency. There are also those people who are eligible to trade without outside assistance, but for the normal trader, enforcing to trade on the Online Forex market with no broker is like trying to chase a grizzly bear with a soup spoon. Your chances of achievement are actually very low, and there is a distinct option you would get hurt quite badly. Of course choosing the incorrect forex broker might return results same as to the sick fated bear hunt. That is why it is significant that you select a broker in the right way.First thing to be considered is to be sure that the broker you choose has the proper qualifications. When you look at the brokerage firms in the United States, immediately exclude those that are not registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This is again important as this designation means that you are confined against scam and any possible abusive forex trading practices. Covering your personal security before a forex trade has been made is a high-quality way to wade gradually into the forex currency market.Once you have removed the ones who do not have the required qualifications, and now have a short list of potential, the internet comes into picture. Just don't go with the brokerage firm, which has the best profitable, or gets the most excellent "Law and Order" individuality to assist in the following advertising, research your choices. A superior idea is to send some effective emails to your customer service people. Estimate how long it takes them to get in touch to you. This is, after all, a customer examine ambitious profession.Once you are pleased with a firm's experience and customer service practices, its time to get down to your self-assurance tacks. Online forex trading speed is forever an issue, so find out how fast it takes your own potential online forex broker to carry out an order. Also, you would desire to know how much slippage could be expected. This needs information, which could be discovered in a phone call, or any email to customer service. You would desire these answers not only for regular markets, but for fast moving ones as well.

4 - Forex - You Need A Real System!

Although it has been some years since I was actively involved in trading, I have just returned to the markets and have begun to trade a small account on my own behalf. This has perhaps given me a slightly skewed perspective of the markets, almost like a new entrant, but one with a lot of experience.There have been some big changes whilst I have been inactive, not least in the number of online brokerages fighting for every dollar.But many things stay the same, at the heart of which is one, I guess, unbreakable truth. Trading is basically a very simple business, with any trading stocks, options, FOREX, whatever only really involving three steps:1. Find several possible trades evaluate them and decide which to go for,2. Calculate how much to trade, and decide at what points to enter and exit the market3. Keeping an eye on, or monitoring, open market positionsNow, these three steps were basically all there was to it a few years ago, and they still And, guess what, people are still getting totally bogged down right here, at this early stage of the trading process, generally, for one of two reasons.The first possible reason is that they simply are not aware that these are the steps involved in the trading process, or (the second reason) they have no clearly defined rules for actioning these steps. Thus, less experienced, more nervous, traders can often take hours to evaluate a small number of potential trades.Experienced day traders, on the other hand, are fully aware that, with little time available to execute their trading, they must have a process plan and they must stick to it.A day trader will set out his (or her) plan of action something like this:1. Recognize the opportunity, enter the market2. Stay in the trade for as long as possible if it is going for him or3. Get the heck out of there with minimum losses, as soon as it is clear it is going to go the wrong wayThat s it! That s essentially what a day trader in any market was doing years ago, and that is what a day trader is still doing today, with little or no change to their working practices brought about by the vastly more advanced technology of today.Savvy day traders learn very quickly that they must plan ahead of time, so that they are in prime position to take full advantages of the opportunities that occur in real time.Thus, day trading, which on paper at least is a pretty dangerous and risky manner of working markets is, in fact, one of the most disciplined trading schools! By the nature of market movements and the way they operate, day traders simply cannot afford to run their trading business on a wing and a prayer!

5 - Forex For The Future

A non-geographical, existential market, the foreign exchange market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. Far and above the largest market in the world, the $2 billion traded every day includes trading between large banks, individual investors, corporations, governments and various other institutions.Established in 1971, Forex trading has only recently become an individually traded market. Until the present time, only major institutions could trade on this market. Retail traders are currently a small, but constantly growing, part of the Forex.Ten years ago, the Wall Street Journal estimated the daily trading volume in the forex market to be in excess of $1 trillion. Today that figure has grown to exceed $1.8 trillion a day. Based on the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1945 aimed to stabilize international currencies and prevent money fleeing across nations, the U.S. dollar became fixed at a rate of $35 per ounce of gold.Thus, the gold standard was formed and Forex trading became a possibility. But only in 1971, when the Bretton Woods Agreement was abandoned, was the Forex market established. By 1973, major currencies became free to the push of supply and demand. The power of speculators came to be.With the advent of technological innovations like computers in the 1980's, money was soon able to be traded across time zones. Within minutes, like never before, massive amounts of currency could be exchanged. Today, London holds the world's largest international financial center and the major site for Forex trading.The interbank market is beneficial for both the major commercial turnovers and large amounts of purely speculative trading that takes place on an everyday basis. Some large banks trade billions of dollars daily. While some of that trading is on behalf of the bank's customers, much is for the bank's own account. Until recently, brokers on the market did most of the business of trading for a small fee, but now individual investor's can jump in on their own.The benefits of individual investors gaining hands-on access to Forex trading really came to be when the large inter-bank units began to offer small traders the opportunity to buy or sell smaller units (or lots) on their own.At present, the Forex market is appealing because of its massive trading volume, extreme liquidity, the number and variety of traders in the market, long trading hours, factors that affect the currency exchange rates and the geographical dispersion of the market.Between April 2005 and April 2006, Forex trading increase by 38 percent and has more than doubled since 2001. This can be attributed to the increasing importance of foreign currency exchange as an asset and an increase in fund management assets. Also, the vast array of execution venues, like Internet trading platforms, has also made it easier for retail traders to trade.In May 2006, a European exchange survey company found the top 10 investors in the Forex market were mostly American banks such as Bank of American and JP Morgan Chase, as well as international investors like Deutsch Bank and Barclays Capital.Trading on the foreign exchange market is up and coming.

6 - Perks of Automated Forex Day Trading

Are you interested in automated forex day trading? There are many things that you should know about automated forex trading, and this is a great place to learn about it. The idea of automated forex day trading is recently getting more and more popular. Futures exchange was the first to adopt this system and later on, the FX market followed suit and employed automated forex day trading.- EfficiencyThis system is very efficient and successful because of its capability to carry out a deal or a trade - real time. This means that there are no lags and fewer complications when trading and these results to more income generated. Achieving this level of efficiency is very hard to do by manual means especially if the decision to trade or not to trade can only be done in a time window of a few seconds. There are even instances wherein the window of opportunity is just a few milliseconds! There are instances wherein the trader is not in his desk and the opportunity suddenly presents itself, while sometimes a trader will skip deals for a while if he recently came from losing deals. These factors are eliminated by an automated system.- VersatilityAn automated system allows you to trade in diverse fields. It makes it possible for you to trade in varying markets as well as an array of time zones. Many trading models can be used by the trader since the system will be the one managing each trading model. Short term data can be analyzed by the system and this provides you with an advantage since you can use the data analyzed for making decisions based on what is currently happening in the market. Analyzing where the market will go in the next 15 or so minutes is impossible without using an automated forex trading system.- Improved liquidityLiquidity is greatly improved by the use of automated trading systems. This can be deduced by observing the behavior of the futures exchange market after employing an automated forex trading system.- SetbackTraders are foreseeing that a problem may arise when the time comes that all traders will adopt the automated system. The volume of orders may be so great that the existing bandwidth as well as current equipment used may not be able to accommodate this influx of information in real time. Existing systems might be able to carry the load and crash which will result to chaos in the market. As of now, safety controls have been created and set in place to prevent this scenario from happening.- Risk ManagementAnother big issue that concerns forex traders is risk management. Even automated forex trading systems require a risk management tool to ensure that there are no errors while trading. Risk management tools requires that before opening a position, checks should be conducted to ensure that no excessive correlation is present in already existing positions. To be 100% sure that the check is accurate and free of error, the whole system must first be synchronized. But as the technology used in forex trading progresses and evolves, these will no longer be issues to be concerned about.There are even instances wherein the window of opportunity is just a few milliseconds! There are instances wherein the trader is not in his desk and the opportunity suddenly presents itself, while sometimes a trader will skip deals for a while if he recently came from losing deals. These factors are eliminated by an automated system.These are some of the things that you should know about automated forex day trading. The information provided here will give you a better grasp and knowledge about this topic. Hopefully this will be helpful when you are deciding to try this kind of business.

7 - How Sales and Earnings Growth can affects a Stock’s Performance

If you go back through the history of the stock market there is a recurring theme among those stocks which have had some of the strongest price appreciation and it’s related to their Sales and Earnings Growth. Let’s look at two companies over the past few years and compare their Sales and Earnings Growth.First let’s look at Microsoft (MSFT) which has hard meager Sales and Earnings Growth in 2002 and 2003. Since the market made a bottom in October of 2002 MSFT has seen very little price appreciation since then. Back in early October of 2002 MSFT was trading around $22 a share and in late March of 2004 MSFT was trading near $24 a share. Thus while the major averages saw significant gains from October of 2002 into the early part of 2004 MSFT was only up 9%.Now let’s look at a stock which has been exhibiting strong Sales and Earnings Growth over the past year or so. As you can see below Taser (TASR) has seen accelerating Sales and Earnings Growth over the past two quarters which has been reflected in its stock price. TASR formed a "Cup and Handle" pattern before breaking out in September of 2003 and rose nearly 800% from September of 2003 through mid February of 2004.As these examples show those companies which have accelerating Sales and Earnings Growth have the potential to perform very well while those with poor Sales and Earnings will languish even in a Bull Market environment. I would imagine those investors who have held MSFT over the past few years aren’t very happy as the stock price has virtually gone nowhere since October of 2002 into the early part of 2004.The key is to recognize those companies which are starting to establish a trend of accelerating Sales and Earnings Growth before everyone else does which takes a lot of time and research. This is what I do every week as I spend over 20 hours a week looking for companies that are starting to show signs of accelerating Sales and Earnings Growth.

8 - How to choose a Forex Broker?

Forex brokers need to be associated with a large financial institution such as a bank in order to provide the funds necessary for margin trading. In the United States a broker should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.Before trading Forex you need to set up an account with a Forex broker. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of forex brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires lots of research on your part. There are several areas to examine before you sign on the dotted line with any broker. Here are some things that you need to look for in making your choice:Safety of FundsIs the broker regulated? Are client funds insured?Order executionHow fast is the broker’s order execution? Will they place you on manual execution?Do they offer automatic execution?How much can you trade before having to request a quote? Do they offset all clients orders? Do they trade against their clients?SpreadIs it fixed or variable?How tight is the spread? Is it larger for mini accounts?SlippageHow much slippage can be expected in normal and fast moving market conditions?Margin requirementsWhat are the margin requirements and how are they calculated? Does the margin change with currency traded? Is it the same for mini accounts and standard accounts?Forex Trading PlatformIs it reliable during fast moving markets and news announcements?How many different currency pairs can you trade? Do they offer an Application Programming Interface (API) for automated systems trading? What other features does it offer? (One click trading from the chart, trailing stops, mobile trading etc.)Account SizeWhat is the minimum account balance? Can you trade mini accounts? Do you earn interest on the unused equity in your account? Can you adjust the standard lot size traded?

9 - Forex Trading Systems

You should build your own trading systemA trading system on the Forex market is a type of strategy that allows traders to trade with a set of rules. There are many free trading systems and strategies printed in trading articles, journals, books and on trading-related websites. I would have to say that if you are not inclined to learn how to develop your own trading methodology, then perhaps you should consider giving your money for someone else to invest. Give it to someone who is trading a system that he developed and tested himself because he is more likely to have the confidence and courage to follow his own trading system.Why you need a forex trading system?It’s easy to trade with a system.A good system provides consistent result. What makes a good trading system?It’s simple. Forget complicated systems with lots of rules - it’s a proven fact that simple systems work better - and are less likely to fail, in the brutal world of trading.A trading system with profitable expectation.It provides good ratio of reward/risk.A system of comprehensive risk management including market exposure weightings, stop-loss provisions and capital commitment guidelines that preserve capital during trend-less or volatile periods. Once you learn how to develop trading systems and strategies, you can then be better equipped to test them as well. By this point you might even find that the system created by yourself is the best one for you, because it becomes the system more suited to your profit objectives while operating within your risk tolerance levels. It is likely that once you develops this level of competence, you will simply acquire other trading systems only to dissect them, grab the parts you likes and add them to your own system. To me, the irony is that for a trader to know which system to purchase, you must first learn how to create a system. And after knowing how to create a system, he will no longer have the need to buy one.

10 - Forex Technical Analysis

The difference between forex technical and forex fundamental analysis is that forex technical analysis ignores fundamental factors and is applied only to the price action of the market. Forex technical analysis primarily consists of a variety of forex technical studies, each of which can be interpreted to predict market direction or to generate buy and sell signals. The technical analysis works by correlating the results and moves of current markets to create a short-term outlook for currencies. The rolling data that is produced throughout the trading day creates the interest in the markets and informs traders of the strong markets to back.The Trend is Your FriendForex technical analysis is largely based around forex market movement trends, thus creating the widely used phrase ’the trend is your friend’ amongst traders. Buying and selling at the right time is the key in maintaining good levels of profits, following a trend is also about knowing where to entry a trade and more importantly where to exit.Support and ResistanceSupport and resistance is the basic of forex technical analysis. Support and resistance levels are points where a chart experiences recurring upward or downward pressure. A support level is usually the low point in any chart pattern (hourly, weekly or annually), whereas a resistance level is the high or the peak point of the pattern. Buying and selling at the support and resistance points makes a greater profit margin as long as they remain unbroken.History Tends To Repeat ItselfAnother important idea in technical analysis is that history tends to repeat itself, mainly in terms of price movement. The repetitive nature of price movements is attributed to market psychology; in other words, market participants tend to provide a consistent reaction to similar market stimuli over time. Forex technical analysis uses chart patterns to analyze forex market movements and understand trends. Although many of these charts have been used for more than 30 years, they are still believed to be relevant because they illustrate patterns in price movements that often repeat themselves.

11 - Forex Software - Choosing the Best

When it comes to forex trading the forex software you choose is essential. There are so many forex trading companies all competing for your business that choosing the right forex software can be quite a difficult task. Most of the forex software products available offers live online forex trading platforms but what other components are vital when it comes to your forex software.Key Elements For Your Forex SoftwareBefore purchasing any forex software there are a few essential items that should be included. The most important is security and your online forex trading software should include a 128 bit SSL encryption which will prevent hackers from accessing any of your personal details and information such as your account balance, transaction history, etc.Providing the best security for your forex trading will include a company that provides 24 hour technical server support for your forex software, 24 hour maintenance should anything go wrong, daily backups of all information, and a security system that has been designed to prevent any unauthorized access. Along with these security protocols there are also some forex trading companies that use smart cards and fingerprint scanners to ensure that only their employees can have access to their servers.Another important factor when it comes to choosing your forex software is to check what the company’s downtime is like. When it comes to trading forex and particularly your online forex trading you need to ensure that the forex software you choose is reliable and available 24 hours a day. The forex software you choose for your forex trading should also have technical support available at all times should your session be cut short.Ensuring that all the above features are listed in the forex software you choose will help to ensure your forex trading success.

12 - Forex Fundamental Analysis

The two primary approaches of analyzing Forex markets are technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis comprises the examination of economic indicators, asset markets and political considerations when evaluating a nation’s currency in terms of another. The focus of fundamental analysis lies on the economic, social and political forces that drive supply and demand. There is no single set of beliefs that guide forex fundamental analysis, yet most fundamental analysts look at various macroeconomic indicators such as economic growth rates, interest rates, inflation, and unemployment.Here we look at some of the major Forex fundamental factors that play a role in the movement of a currency:Economic IndicatorsEconomic indicators are reports released by the government or a private organization that detail a country’s economic performance. These economic indicators can be released on a weekly basis, but the more common report is monthly. Indicators are based around a number of economical situations, of which the two primary factors are that of International trade and Interest. Subsidiary factors also include Consumer Price Index (CPI), Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), Durable goods orders, retail sales and Producer Price Index (PPI).Currency’s Interest RatesOne of the major indicator factors, Interest rates, are a key economic function of any nation. Generally, when a country raises its interest rates, the country’s currency will strengthen in relation to other currencies as assets are shifted to gain a higher return. Interest rates hikes, however, are usually not good news for stock markets. This is due to the fact that many investors will withdraw money from a country’s stock market when there is a hike of interest rates.International TradeThe trade balance portrays the net difference (over a period of time) between the imports and exports of a nation. A trade deficit can be an economic disaster for a government and a currency. A deficit may appear when a country is importing more than it is exporting, meaning that more money is leaving and less is coming in. In some ways, however, a trade deficit in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. A deficit is only negative if the deficit is greater than market expectations and therefore will trigger a negative price movement.

13 - What is The Law of Charts™?

The Law of Charts was discovered by Master Trader Joe Ross. As he likes to say, "It was there all along. It just happened to fall on my head much as the law of gravity was discovered when an apple fell on Isaac Newton’s head."The Law of Charts defines four basic formations known as 1-2-3 lows and highs, Ross hooks, trading ranges, and ledges. These occur in all time frames because the depict human action and reaction vis-à-vis price movement.What makes these formations unique is that they can be specifically defined. The ability to formulate a more precise definition sets these formations apart from such vague generalities as "head and shoulders," "coils," "flags," "pennants," "megaphones," and other such supposed price patterns that are frequently attached as labels to the action of prices.A 1-2-3 high or low comes at the end of a trend or swing. It forms as the result of a change in the direction of prices. The 1-2-3 low forms as the result of buying pressure overcoming that of selling pressure. The 1-2-3 high forms as the result of selling pressure overcoming buying pressure.A Ross hook™ always forms as the result of profit taking in an trend or swing.A ledge forms as a result of profit taking, uncertainty about future price direction, or both. You might consider it as a pause in the overall movement of prices in a single direction.A ledge is the smallest of a number of consolidation formations: it never consists of more than 10 or less than 4 price bars. It is denoted by containing two matching or nearly matching highs and two matching or nearly matching lows.A consolidation consisting of eleven to 20 price bars is called a congestion, and a consolidation consisting of 21 or more price bars.As simple as these definitions are, the have been found to constitute a "law." Any data that contains both a high and a low, will form these patterns; even data that has nothing to do with markets and trading.Learn more about The Law of Charts, it is a free resource on our website. Study it as much as you want. And while you are visiting take a look at the Traders Trick™ entry.The Law of Charts was discovered by Master Trader Joe Ross. As he likes to say, "It was there all along. It just happened to fall on my head much as the law of gravity was discovered when an apple fell on Isaac Newton’s head."The Law of Charts defines four basic formations known as 1-2-3 lows and highs, Ross hooks, trading ranges, and ledges. These occur in all time frames because the depict human action and reaction vis-à-vis price movement.What makes these formations unique is that they can be specifically defined. The ability to formulate a more precise definition sets these formations apart from such vague generalities as "head and shoulders," "coils," "flags," "pennants," "megaphones," and other such supposed price patterns that are frequently attached as labels to the action of prices.A 1-2-3 high or low comes at the end of a trend or swing. It forms as the result of a change in the direction of prices. The 1-2-3 low forms as the result of buying pressure overcoming that of selling pressure. The 1-2-3 high forms as the result of selling pressure overcoming buying pressure.A Ross hook™ always forms as the result of profit taking in an trend or swing.A ledge forms as a result of profit taking, uncertainty about future price direction, or both. You might consider it as a pause in the overall movement of prices in a single direction.A ledge is the smallest of a number of consolidation formations: it never consists of more than 10 or less than 4 price bars. It is denoted by containing two matching or nearly matching highs and two matching or nearly matching lows.A consolidation consisting of eleven to 20 price bars is called a congestion, and a consolidation consisting of 21 or more price bars.As simple as these definitions are, the have been found to constitute a "law." Any data that contains both a high and a low, will form these patterns; even data that has nothing to do with markets and trading.Learn more about The Law of Charts, it is a free resource on our website. Study it as much as you want. And while you are visiting take a look at the Traders Trick™ entry.

14 - How to Make Consistent Profits Trading Futures Part I

One of the mistakes I consistently made in my early years as a trader was to try to make too much money in relation to my trading capital. To make £1000 a day while Futures Trading with £10,000 is absurdly ambitious; of course I have done it many times, as would anyone with this intention, but I have also gone bust on more than one occasion. To have the aspiration of taking £1000 out of the market each day, when trading with £10,000 or under is, I think, a quick route to the poor house. So what is a reasonable objective for a day / futures trader? A few weeks ago I visited an ex-floor trader who has set up a trading operation backing young aspiring traders. I was interested to find out from him how he trains his team. The essence of his approach is to give them a grounding in discipline and confidence. He believes that confidence is one of the primary keys to success in futures trading and that confidence is a by-product of taking money out of the market. One of the reasons he has chosen to work with young futures traders is that he wants people who have minimal financial commitments. He knows it will take a while for them to start earning an income from the business. So his belief is that if his traders can regularly take small amounts of money out of the market, their knowledge, skills and confidence will grow and in time they will become bigger traders. What is critical about this approach is that his traders do not grow in size until they have achieved consistent, regular success on a small scale; and we are talking small, I mean £25 or £50 in a day. What can we learn from this low risk approach? Well first let me ask you: what is more important, to make money today, or to become a consistently profitable trader? Because if we want to become consistently successful traders we need to take a different tack than if we are just out to make as much money as we can today. So back to the question, what is a reasonable objective for a day trader? Well let’s look at bringing our daily target right down to £100, with £10,000 of trading capital, i.e. 1%. Now £100 a day, trading a market like the FTSE seems an achievable target to me. That is a net profit of 10 FTSE points a day. Can you come up with a system that trades 5 times a day and has an average net profit of 2 points? Or a system that trades 10 times a day with an average net profit of 1 point? Is that a yes I hear? Because if you can make an average of £100 a day you will double your money in 100 trading days i.e. 20 weeks or about 5 months. If you double you position size every time you double your money, your account will grow to £1,000,000 in 140 weeks, which is less than 3 years! Of course this does not take into account the impact of tax; but my point is that by taking a low risk, conservative approach to trading objectives, we give ourselves the chance to grow and develop into traders, while also availing ourselves of the possibility of a deceptively good return. If at this point you are tearing your hair out and screaming at the screen that I am a fool for suggesting that you can trade a strategy that averages a few points a trade, I assume that you are not familiar with the benefits of direct access trading. Direct access trading effectively gives everyone and their uncle the same low costs, immediate trade execution and access as was exclusively enjoyed by the floor traders before the advent of the electronic market place. To learn about the advantages of direct access trading.

15 - How to Make Consistent ProfitsTrading Futures Part II

Direct Access Electronic Trading The issue of direct access is an important one and it becomes more important the more short term your trading is. The market can change from a state of seeming paralysis to one of shocking volatility and activity in a flash. The length of time it takes between you deciding to enter an order and the order actually being in the market is obviously important. When I first started trading I used a phone broker and was dismayed that my fills would often be so far from the price the market was trading when I first entered the order. The first time I visited the trading floor, I discovered why. When I called in an order, first my discount(!) broker would check my account equity, then he would call a phone booth on the floor, the phone broker on the floor would then write the order down and pass it on (by phone) to a booth next to the appropriate pit, at that booth my order would be written down again and then signaled to a broker in the pit to be executed. As you can imagine this would take quite a long time, even longer of course if the market was very active, as this would mean that the broker in the pit would be too occupied to take new orders. Compare this to my experience of trading as a pit trader. In the pit I was in the heart of the market and could observe every single order as it was executed (there was no delay in my price feed!). To initiate a trade, whether it was to buy or sell at the market, or join the bid or the offer, all I had to do was open my mouth. You can start to see the huge advantage that trading on the floor gave me over off floor traders; and that doesn’t take into consideration the fact that my round trip costs fell by 96%. Now the floor no longer exists, not in Europe at least, so why talk about the advantages of pit trading? Well the level playing field is now open to all, but very few take advantage of it. Trading with an electronic trading platform is exactly the same as trading in the pit, except I can sit down, it is much quieter and there are no crude jokes flying around. I can trade with the click of a mouse; my order shoots to the exchange, enters in the market and appears back on my screen before I have time to blink. I think the advantages of direct access trading are clear and any futures trader still using a phone broker should move to direct access, they will also find their commissions are less (around £8 for private client traders). The next question that arises is why trade futures? That is an important consideration given that there are a variety of alternatives vying for your trading capital (spread betting, CFDs and options), but in my opinion, futures are the only option (no pun intended) for successful short term trading.

16 - Essential Elements of a Successful Trader

Courage Under Stressful Conditions When the Outcome is UncertainAll the foreign exchange trading knowledge in the world is not going to help, unless you have the nerve to buy and sell currencies and put your money at risk. As with the lottery “You gotta be in it to win it”. Trust me when I say that the simple task of hitting the buy or sell key is extremely difficult to do when your own real money is put at risk.You will feel anxiety, even fear. Here lies the moment of truth. Do you have the courage to be afraid and act anyway? When a fireman runs into a burning building I assume he is afraid but he does it anyway and achieves the desired result. Unless you can overcome or accept your fear and do it anyway, you will not be a successful trader.However, once you learn to control your fear, it gets easier and easier and in time there is no fear. The opposite reaction can become an issue – you’re overconfident and not focused enough on the risk you’re taking.Start by analyzing yourself. Are you the type of person that can control their emotions and flawlessly execute trades, oftentimes under extremely stressful conditions? Are you the type of person who’s overconfident and prone to take more risk than they should? Before your first real trade you need to look inside yourself and get the answers. We can correct any deficiencies before they result in paralysis (not pulling the trigger) or a huge loss (overconfidence). A huge loss can prematurely end your trading career, or prolong your success until you can raise additional capital.Both the inability to initiate a trade, or close a losing trade can create serious psychological issues for a trader going forward. By calling attention to these potential stumbling blocks beforehand, you can properly prepare prior to your first real trade and develop good trading habits from day one.The difficulty doesn’t end with “pulling the trigger”. In fact what comes next is equally or perhaps more difficult. Once you are in the trade the next hurdle is staying in the trade. When trading foreign exchange you exit the trade as soon as possible after entry when it is not working. Most people who have been successful in non-trading ventures find this concept difficult to implement.For example, real estate tycoons make their fortune riding out the bad times and selling during the boom periods. The problem with trying to adapt a ’hold on until it comes back’ strategy in foreign exchange is that most of the time the currencies are in long-term persistent, directional trends and your equity will be wiped out before the currency comes back.The other side of the coin is staying in a trade that is working. The most common pitfall is closing out a winning position without a valid reason. Once again, fear is the culprit. Your subconscious demons will be scaring you non-stop with questions like “what if news comes out and you wind up with a loss”. The reality is if news comes out in a currency that is going up, the news has a higher probability of being positive than negative (more on why that is so in a later article).So your fear is just a baseless annoyance. Don’t try and fight the fear. Accept it. Have a laugh about it and then move on to the task at hand, which is determining an exit strategy based on actual price movement. As Garth says in Waynesworld “Live in the now man”. Worrying about what could be is irrational. Studying your chart and determining an objective exit point is reality based and rational.Another common pitfall is closing a winning position because you are bored with it; its not moving. In Football, after a star running back breaks free for a 50-yard gain, he comes out of the game temporarily for a breather. When he reenters the game he is a serious threat to gain more yards – this is indisputable. So when your position takes a breather after a winning move, the next likely event is further gains – so why close it?If you can be courageous under fire and strategically patient, foreign exchange trading may be for you. If you’re a natural gunslinger and reckless you will need to tone your act down a notch or two and we can help you make the necessary adjustments. If putting your money at risk makes you a nervous wreck its because you lack the knowledge base to be confident in your decision making.Patience to Gain Knowledge through Study and FocusMany new traders believe all you need to profitably trade foreign currencies are charts, technical indicators and a small bankroll. Most of them blow up (lose all their money) within a few weeks or months; some are initially successful and it takes as long as a year before they blow up. A tiny minority with good money management skills, patience, and a market niche go on to be successful traders. Armed with charts, technical indicators, and a small bankroll, the chance of succeeding is probably 500 to 1.To increase your chances of success to near certainty requires knowledge; acquiring knowledge takes hard work, study, dedication and focus. Compile your knowledge base without taking any shortcuts, thereby assuring a solid foundation to build upon.